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Created 21-May-13
47 photos

Enjoy the beautiful change of seasons from Colorado and New Zealand.
A storm rages on the other side of the Anthracite Range near Gunnision, CO at sunset.Colorful carpet near Leadville, COAll the colors of autumn on one bush near Crested Butte, COEarly autumn ferns on the Kebler Pass road near Crested Butte, COA lone pine tree towers over a carpet of snow and colorful aspen near Crested Butte, COSunset at a ranch in the Sneffels Wilderness, COAspen and pine during a rain storm on Shrine Pass, Colorado. Sept. 19, 2004A wide variety of color in this cluster of aspen and pine after an early fall snowstorm near Gunnison, COA family walks through the botanic gardens in Christchurch, New ZealandCastle Mountain near Gunnison, CO on a crisp early autumn morning.Granite mountain bursting with color below on Owl Creek Pass road near Ridgeway, COSo many colors, so little to focus on. Shot in Christchurch, New ZealandThe leaves on this tree seem to stand out as if suspended in mid-air in the fog. Taken at the botanic gardens in Christchurch, New ZealandCabin in Iowa Gulch near LeadvilleInteresting collection of colors with moss and rockTowering aspen against a deep blue Colorado skyWe caught a small break in the clouds during a stormy day that illuminated these aspen while keeping the background of pines very dark. The effect really makes the aspen stand out.A stormy day created a nicely saturated photo of these aspen.The lone pine shooting up through the aspen caught my eye, as did the variety of colors in this small group of trees.

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